marți, 22 decembrie 2009 NEWS!

Azi,22 Decembrie,ora 12:00,dupa o zi de asteptare in care a fost tot acelasi mesajt prostesc...s-a schimbat in sfarsit pagina de redirectionare catre un forum cu un thread numit ,,Who is behind This Is Also It?"...vom afla cine este in spatele acestui site ce spune aceasta pagina:"TIAI Revealed has 9 parts, and may take a couple of hours to read. If that seems like too much, then please read at least this part 1 (Who Is Behind TIAI?) before deciding whether to read the rest. To read the other 8 parts: {}"

"Although many have taken (TIAI) seriously—and thought that either Michael Jackson himself or someone from the MJ camp is behind the TIAI redirects—yet many others have assumed that TIAI is merely someone playing with the feelings of MJ fans. And some have even attempted to dismiss TIAI by identifying a specific person or website that is operating TIAI."...Pana aici sunt de acord...

Mda...nimic din ce nu stiam...convingeti-va!

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