miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009

Cassandra Gretchen Sims revine! Prea tare!=))

Pentru ca v-am zis ca putem sa punem intrebari Cassandrei pe am facut si eu asta,intrebarea fiind

"Dear Michael and Cassandra,
I’m a very big fan of Michael and I’m curious to know where and how will Michael appear.I don’t wanna write so much as you can answer easily to my question.Michael I love ya so much and I’m waiting for you to come back.
From Romania,one of your biggest fans,

Astept raspuns...dar aceasta pagina nu a fost creeata ca sa va spun asta=))...dupa ce am trimis mesaj,navigam pe net in cautare "Cassandra Gretchen Sims" si ce sa vad pe un site...(atentie,imagini socante,tineti-va bine pe scaun sa nu muriti de ras):

" Q:Is Cassandra Gretchen-Sims the same person with michael jackson?
In: Michael Jackson [Edit categories]

A:Cassandra is a either a total fake who's getting a kick out of messing with certain people or she doesn't exist."

=))=)) Voi ce credeti,femeia cu care se gasesc si poze pe net nu exista?=))=))

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