duminică, 27 decembrie 2009

Intrebarea nr. 4 fan-cassandra

4.Fan:Dermot o Leary said Michael was ripped but he clearly wasn’t in this is it. Why?Cassandra:Tom, Michael IS in This Is It, although there are body doubles in there, too.

Deci,multumim,Cassandra,Michael A FOST in This is It,"although there are body doubles in there,too"...mai avem ce discuta despre acest subiect? Subiect Incheiat?
Cautand pe Google dupa This is it:body doubles am gasit:

SONY: "This story is pure garbage and there are no body doubles. Audiences will begin to see the film tomorrow and every time they see The King of Pop they will know that every frame is unquestionably and undeniably Michael as he rehearses and prepares for the London concerts that were to have begun this past summer."

JOE JACKSON:MICHAEL JACKSON's dad JOE has accused THIS IS IT filmmakers of "fooling" theatregoers by using body doubles to make the King of Pop's tour documentary.
LATOYA JACKSON: "I don't believe most of those shots were Michael. He wasn't well enough. I've seen clips where I even thought, 'That's not Michael's voice.' It's very upsetting for La Toya."

Jermaine,Joe,LaToya..........Sony.....familia incearca cumva sa dejoace planurile celor de la SONY?

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