5.Fan:Many people on YouTube say this is not true as he wouldn’t hurt his children. My response is that for all we know, michael could still be in contact with them. Am I right?Cassandra:Tom, LOL - you know as well as I do that you, ummmm ... would not be foolish to say that ... !
Chiar imi place intrebarea.Vorbeam cu o colega si ne lamurisem pe jumatate.Deci,in concluzie, "...michael could still be in contact with them(cu copiii lui)"----"you know as well as I do"----deci Michael inca tine legatura cu copiii sai. Ne-am lamurit...?!/:)
duminică, 27 decembrie 2009
Intrebarea nr. 5 fan-cassandra
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 20:46 0 comentarii
Intrebarea nr. 4 fan-cassandra
4.Fan:Dermot o Leary said Michael was ripped but he clearly wasn’t in this is it. Why?Cassandra:Tom, Michael IS in This Is It, although there are body doubles in there, too.
Deci,multumim,Cassandra,Michael A FOST in This is It,"although there are body doubles in there,too"...mai avem ce discuta despre acest subiect? Subiect Incheiat?
Cautand pe Google dupa This is it:body doubles am gasit:
SONY: "This story is pure garbage and there are no body doubles. Audiences will begin to see the film tomorrow and every time they see The King of Pop they will know that every frame is unquestionably and undeniably Michael as he rehearses and prepares for the London concerts that were to have begun this past summer."
JOE JACKSON:MICHAEL JACKSON's dad JOE has accused THIS IS IT filmmakers of "fooling" theatregoers by using body doubles to make the King of Pop's tour documentary.
LATOYA JACKSON: "I don't believe most of those shots were Michael. He wasn't well enough. I've seen clips where I even thought, 'That's not Michael's voice.' It's very upsetting for La Toya."
Jermaine,Joe,LaToya..........Sony.....familia incearca cumva sa dejoace planurile celor de la SONY?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 20:08 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009
Intrebarea nr 3. fan-cassandra
Cassandra: No additional clues. He simply will "appear as if from nowhere."
E o intrebare cam ciudata.Nu prea ne-ar interesa pe noi,adica deja vezi crainicii de la nu stiu ce mare post de televiziune,gen CNN...Larry King:"Michael Jackson will be back in 3 days...but I don't know from whom I know this..." Intrebarea mai elocventa ar fi: CUM va aparea?!...si UNDE?
Sa recitim raspunsul Cassandrei.......... will "appear as if from nowhere."..........
Sa apara de nicaieri? Unde este acest "nicaieri",ma rog?Tara de nicaieri...hmm...discutabil...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 16:52 0 comentarii
Intrebarea nr 2. fan-cassandra
2.Fan:When Michael comes back and starts touring again will it be with his brothers?
Cassandra:He will perform with family members in some shows, yes. - Cassandra
JERMAINE... mda...micutul mare Jermaine...mai stiti ce a dezvaluit acest "individ 2"?
RECONSTRUCTION: "Hehe...I said...This is NOT the final curtain!Definetly,this is NOT it!"
Jermaine,Jermaine,Jermaine,Jermaine,cum te dai tu de gol,ca de obicei...cu siguranta tu nu vei lipsi de la acest turneu...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 16:38 0 comentarii
Intrebarea nr. 1 Fan-Cassandra
1.Fan:Is there a particular reason why MJ chose June,25 2009?
Cassandra:The numbers 2 and 5 = 7 ... a "perfect number" in many forms of numerology.
Nu mai e nevoie sa dam detalii despre acest numar...Mj s-a nascut cu el in sange...cum spune Cassandra "a perfect number"...ceea ce inseamna ca MJ este perfect...ceea ce stie toata lumea.
Dupa cum am mai spus,ziua de 25 a "mortii" sale nu pare a fi doar o simpla coincidenta...credeti sau nu,mai mult sau mai putin,e un indiciu 25...
Hai sa vedem ce inseamna acest 7...wikipedia:
The number seven (7) in the seven days of Creation is typological and the number seven appears commonly elsewhere in the Bible. These include:
- Seven days of Creation (Genesis 1). God rested on and sanctified the seventh day (Sabbath)
- The Seven last words (or seven last sayings) of Jesus on the cross.
- Seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom (Acts 6:3)
- Seven Spirits of God are mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
- Seven churches of Asia to which the "Book of Revelation" is addressed.
- Seven churches, seven stars, seven seals, seven last plagues, seven vials or bowls, seven thunders in the Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
Other sevens in Christian knowledge and practice include:
- The Seven deadly sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride.
- The number of heads of the three beasts (7 × 10 × 7 + 7 × 10 × 10 + 7 × 10 = 1260) of the Book of Revelation, and of some other monsters, like the hydra and the number of seals.
- There are seven suicides mentioned in the Bible (OT and NT)[7]
Da...au cam legatura unele dintre ele...iar aceasta BOOK OF REVELATION...
- Apocalipsa Sf. Ioan [bis.]
- revelaţie
- dezvăluire
- destăinuire
- descoperire
- dare în vileag
Heaven,Earth,Hell,Hell...ce ciudati sunt islamistii astia...Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 16:30 0 comentarii
Cele mai bune intrebari ale fanilor pe DerekClontz
Sa incepem maratonul intrebarilor cu raspuns ale fanilor care au pus cate o intrebare Cassandrei pe DerekClontz.Fiecare "intrebare+raspuns" va avea o pagina speciala pe acest blog unde vom analiza fiecare cuvant al Cassandrei in cautare de dovezi noi.
1.Fan:Is there a particular reason why MJ chose June,25 2009?
Cassandra:The numbers 2 and 5 = 7 ... a "perfect number" in many forms of numerology.
2.Fan:When Michael comes back and starts touring again will it be with his brothers?
Cassandra:He will perform with family members in some shows, yes. - Cassandra
Cassandra: No additional clues. He simply will "appear as if from nowhere."
4.Fan:Dermot o Leary said Michael was ripped but he clearly wasn’t in this is it. Why?
Cassandra:Tom, Michael IS in This Is It, although there are body doubles in there, too.
5.Fan:Many people on YouTube say this is not true as he wouldn’t hurt his children. My response is that for all we know, michael could still be in contact with them. Am I right?
Cassandra:Tom, LOL - you know as well as I do that you, ummmm ... would not be foolish to say that ... !
6.Fan:The autopsy reports also part of the plan?
Cassandra:Anna, yes, absolutely - and a big part of the plan at that.
7.Fan:Finally, the link of acting and television programs with Murray and Harvey listed above, will these be the kind of clues that slowly get leaked towards the comeback date, in order to slowly reveal the death hoax?
Cassandra:Not "leaked", Tom, as in by Michael or at his direction. It is possible that such information will "come out", in fact, it's almost certain, but independently.
8.Fan:Is there any “Illuminati” conspiracy behind Michael’s hiding?
9.Fan:Are the dancers, that were in This Is It going to be in his comeback tour?
Cassandra:Jahlisa, Michael loves the dancers in the movie, both as performers and as people. Will they be in his comeback tour? Michael says, "I want them to."
10.Fan:Another question, I wonder if Michael Jackson went to Larry King Live program disguised as Dave Dave, much discussed in the network, but I do not think there disfreazado appeared anywhere.
Cassandra:Marisa, no, he did not.
11.Fan:Are you Michael Jackson?
Cassandra:Yalisa, I am Cassandra. Michael is my friend.
12.Fan:Hi cassandra, The picture of Michael in the ambulance is false?
Cassandra:Adara, false. You are correct. A trick. A body double.
13.Fan:Dear Cassandra,
The most important question for me right now is, How is Michael feeling and is there anything we can do for him?
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and lots of love
Cassandra:Tracy, Michael is feeling much better, with drug withdrawals no longer tormenting him and he also is gaining strength every day. His attitude is good. He told me, "I'm happier than I've been in many years." All looks good for his comeback!
http://michaelthekingofmysoul.blogspot.com/2010/01/intrebarea.html14.Fan:Why Michael’s family sometimes gives interview that makes us so sad and so sure he died? It hurts us deeply. Michael can not ask them to stop?
Cassandra:Marcia, your concern is noted. But, as we have made clear, Michael will not address questions about his family in a public venue.
15.Fan:How will Michael return without being in major legal trouble for faking his death and the financial gain his estate is making off of it(fraud)?
Cassandra:Jennifer, how dare you accuse Michael of fraud! He is earning income from his music and movie. That isn't fraud. That is business.
16.Fan:Will Michael make any changes to himself when he comes out of hiding.
Cassandra:Brandon, he will be stronger and healthier. His appearance will remain the same, altho drugh he has told me that he does intend to have some work done on his nose, which as everyone knows, has given him some problems over the years.
17.Fan:Cassandra, Michael knows we need it back?He has this consciousness?
Cassandra:Rose, yes.
18.Fan:hai..,cassandra’would michael include philippines in his world coming tour on june 2010?!
Cassandra:Jessa, yes.
19.Fan:did michael disguise himself as dave dave on larry king live?on an old post u said “u might be on to something” and in a recent post u said “no” .
Cassandra:Paddlepop, the answer is no, BUT, Dave Dave "may" have been operating with help from Michael. That's all I can say.
20.Fan:how long will michael’s world comeback tours be for?
Cassandra:Paddlepop, several years at least.
21.Fan:Where is MJ now?
Cassandra:ST, for the moment, Argentina. He is moving around a lot.
22.Fan:Is the CIA involved in Michael’s disappearance?
Cassandra:Fred, a former CIA operative was (and is), yes.
23.Fan:How can Michael get in and out of countries without being recognised?
Cassandra:Fred - where have you been for the past 30 years? Michael is a master of disguise ... and identity.
24.Fan:Does the video message recorded by Dr. Murray thanking all who had supported him were words written by Michael Jackson led to his fans?
Cassandra:Marisa, in part, yes.
25.Fan:Did Michael disappear because of his comments about Sony?
Cassandra:Fred, no.
26.Fan:Hi !
How can we know that this story about you a ” close friend ” it’s not a fake ?
Cassandra:Cameron, I can't tell you what to believe. It is your choice.
27.Fan:È truth that the DR Conrad Murray, is an actor who already worked in 2 films. (The Plague and 24 hours).
Cassandra:Elvis, I don't know. He is, however, an MD.
28.Fan:Because we have to believe all ques are saying, but you have conclusive proof that it can and rechargeable that what we say is true? Greetings from Spain.
Cassandra:Licos, I am answering questions at Michael's direction. You can believe it or not. That is your right.
29.Fan:Is it dangerous for Michael, does he want people to stop,to do “hoax”investigation online?
Cassandra:Raphaelle, I don't understand what you are asking.
30.Fan:touring again faor years wouldn’t hurt his health ? Cause we all know that he hates touring ! I personnaly i wouldn’t like if Michael won’t feel in tours !
with L.O.V.E
Cassandra:Miss Zazi, life hurts our health. We all grow old and eventually we die. Will a tour hurt Michael's health? No. He will not exhaust himself. He will tour in his time and not overextend.
31.Fan:why mj announce about fake death very fast?
Cassandra:Joe, Michael is a mature and intelligent man who does things according to his plans and best instincts. In this case, he didn't want true-believing fans to go long without news.
Was it Michael’s intention to leave clues to the fans by including music in the memorial service that included pain”s” rather than pain and “brother” (singular) rather than brothers on the back of his “This Is It” CD cover?????
Cassandra:Loving Michael, yes.
Cassandra:Munique, I don't explain it. I simply report that Michael has said he will tour. That is good enough for me.
34.Fan:Cassandra, at present Michael feels not very lonely ?
Cassandra:Yvonne, Michael is recovering with the help of a few trusted friends. As you know, he is an intensely private man, and doesn't need a lot of people around him to be happy.
35.Fan:Hello Cassandra!
does Karen Faye also knows that Michael has faked his death?because she has publiced a foto from his grave and is always talking as if he has died (I mean,withoug giving any clues to the fans)
thank you!
Cassandra:Elisabeth, Karen Faye would certainly seem to be in the dark on this subject.
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 12:22 0 comentarii
joi, 24 decembrie 2009
Se incheie cercetarile? Thisisalsoit.com -The Best-
Dupa ce am impodobit bradul,am intrat pe www.thisisalsoit.com... si la fel de socata cum am fost cand am azuit ca MJ e mort am fost si acum...prima intrebare care mi-a venit in minte a fost:Mi se incheie cercetarile? De ce? Pagina de redirectionare a fost de YOUTUBE,catre un filmulet cu titlul: Michael Jackson si NOT dead! Aveti filmuletul mai jos...eu v-am intrebat...Oare ce va urma sa aflam...hmmm...cineva se joaca cu feeling-urile noastre...oare MJ chiar vine maine,25 Decembrie? Se taie o zi din calendarul sperantei noastre? Vom afla asta maine...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 17:51 0 comentarii
miercuri, 23 decembrie 2009
Cassandra Gretchen Sims revine! Prea tare!=))
Pentru ca v-am zis ca putem sa punem intrebari Cassandrei pe derekclontz.com am facut si eu asta,intrebarea fiind
"Dear Michael and Cassandra,
I’m a very big fan of Michael and I’m curious to know where and how will Michael appear.I don’t wanna write so much as you can answer easily to my question.Michael I love ya so much and I’m waiting for you to come back.
From Romania,one of your biggest fans,
Astept raspuns...dar aceasta pagina nu a fost creeata ca sa va spun asta=))...dupa ce am trimis mesaj,navigam pe net in cautare "Cassandra Gretchen Sims" si ce sa vad pe un site...(atentie,imagini socante,tineti-va bine pe scaun sa nu muriti de ras):
" Q:Is Cassandra Gretchen-Sims the same person with michael jackson?
In: Michael Jackson [Edit categories]
A:Cassandra is a either a total fake who's getting a kick out of messing with certain people or she doesn't exist."
=))=)) Voi ce credeti,femeia cu care se gasesc si poze pe net nu exista?=))=))
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 18:38 0 comentarii
marți, 22 decembrie 2009
Thisisalsoit.com NEWS!
Mda...nimic din ce nu stiam...convingeti-va!
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 12:08 0 comentarii
luni, 21 decembrie 2009
"Comeback" sau "Ressurection"
Stim ca in tot acest timp,MJ a avut o gramada de coincidente in legatura cu cifra 7.* V-ati gandir ca el s-ar putea intoarce la 7 luni de cand a murit...adica 25 Ianuaria 2010... Mda...posibil...
*Pentru cei care nu sunt familiarizati cu coincidentele,aveti aici o lista...enjoy it!;)
- Michael Jackson si-a semnat testamentul la data de 7/7/02.
- Inmormantarea lui Michael Jackson a avut loc la 7/7/09 ... la exact 7 ani de la semnarea testamentului.
- Cele mai mari hituri ale lui Michael Jackson- "Black & White" si "Billie Jean" - au fost amandoua numarul 1 pentru 7 saptamani.
- Cele mai mari trei albume ale lui Michael Jackson- "Thriller," "Bad" si "Dangerous" - au avut, fiecare, cate 7 hituri in top 40.
- Michael Jackson a fost al 7-lea din 9 frati.
- Michael Jackson s-a nascut in 1958 ... 19 + 58 = 77
- Michael Jackson a "murit" in data de 25 ... 2 + 5 = 7
- Michael Jackson are cate 7 litere in fiecare nume.
Iar in curand noi vom adauga:Michael Jackson "a inviat din morti" la fix 7 luni de cand "a murit".
Acum,serios,nu vi se pare ca moartea a fost cam ciudat pusa acolo?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:47 0 comentarii
Care e varianta adevarata?
Bun...in doua pagini anterioare am demonstrat ,mai mult sau mai putin,ca in timpul ceremoniei la Staples Centre,Mike se afla,de fapt,la Larry King in emisiune.Dar in alta pagina am facut public pozele cu acel om de tip "boschetar":))...prezent la Staples Centre...Deci,care este adevaratul MJ? Asa-zisul "Dave Dave" de la Larry King sau the old man? :-?...asta ne pune pe ganduri...sa fie adevarat ce a zis Cami pe www.michaeljacksonaliveforever.ning.com ? Sa fie acel old man altul decat MJ? Voi ce credeti?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:43 0 comentarii
DerekClontz loveste din nou
DerekClontz loveste din nou cu un articol nemaipomenit!
MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE! Pop King faked his death, say sources, adding, ‘Comeback tour will be biggest in music history’
In MSNBC, Michael & Elvis, Michael Faked His Death, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson Bombshell, Nancy Grace, derek clontz, near death experiences, near-death experience, rock 'n' roll, rock and roll, rock legends on June 29, 2009 at 12:52 am
Copyright (c) 2009 Derek Clontz/4-Page Media, Inc./YourWorldReport.com
Billions of people around the world think pop genius Michael Jackson is dead and set to be buried but nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, say sources in a position to know, the superstar faked his death to escape the crushing pressures of life in a fishbowl -and he is now socked away in an undisclosed location in Eastern Europe – possibly Hungary – far from the clamor and commotion of paparazzi and reporters covering his “autopsy” and “funeral” in southern California.
And in the strangest twist of all, say the insiders, once he’s rested and ready, Jackson, 50, will blow the lid off his own hoax – and … (scroll below poll for rest of story) …
http://derekclontz.com/2009/06/29/michael-jackson-faked-his-death-say-sources-with-comeback-tour-to-be-biggest-ever/Hai si noi in Ungaria!:))
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 11:11 0 comentarii
Sigur va intereseaza..hai CLICK;)
Dupa o cautare avansata pe net pentru a afla mai multe despre acel misterios thisisalsoit.com,am gasit acest site,care,sigur v-ar interesa..."In the Q & A that follows Michael Jackson confidante Cassandra Gretchen-Sims answers the Top 10 Michael Jackson Questions that every fan wants answered – and she does it in a format that is easy to read and respond to."
1. Is Michael REALLY alive? Cassandra says: “Yes."
2. Why did Michael fake his death? Cassandra says: “Michael was under enormous pressure at every turn: from fans, from hangers-on, from business associates and also, sadly, from his many enemies and haters, both inside and outside the media. After 50 years, he was exhausted, weak and, as everyone knows, had turned to prescription drugs. He realized he couldn’t go on that way and needed time and space to rest and recover.
3. Does MJ’s family know he faked his death? Cassandra says: “Michael does not want to discuss his family in public. But all fans know he is a wonderful son and a wonderful father – he would never do anything to hurt his family. If you think about that, the answer to this question will be clear to you.
4. Did Michael plan his death hoax for a long time? Cassandra: “Yes, Michael made his plans well in advance.
5. Will Michael return or stay in hiding? Cassandra says: “Michael’s intention is to come out of hiding in June 2010 and embark on a world tour that will eventually will include every inhabited continent and many, many countries. The tour will last for years, unfolding at a pace that that doesn’t exhaust Michael or threaten his health.
6. Are there 33 clues in his This Is It movie that explain why he faked his death and went into hiding? Cassandra says: “Michael says ‘yes’. Fans have already found many of the clues, and I’m just another fan. Michael won’t even give me hints! But he does say, ‘If you look you will find them.'"
7. Did Michael attend his own funeral? Cassandra says: “Not in person, but he watched it via closed circuit.”
8. Did Michael help with the production and edits of This Is It? Cassandra says: “Yes.”
9. Isn’t Michael concerned about how much sadness his death hoax has caused fans? Cassandra says: “Michael loves his fans and would never do anything to hurt them. He is aware of the sadness, but as he puts it, ‘There was no alternative. If I hadn’t done this, I really would be dead. This way, I”ll be back.’”
10. Isn’t faking your death illegal? Isn’t Michael afraid he will get into trouble? Cassandra says: I’m not a lawyer, but I can say this – Michael is a powerful man, a wealthy man. He doesn’t behave rashly or without thinking and planning. He did what he felt he had to do. If there are consequences, legal consequences, he will deal with them with accordingly.
Tot nu credeti?Credeti,de fapt,ca noi am inventat asta? Hai dati un click aici www.derekclontz.com va asteptam sa ne spuneti parerea cu un comentariu mai jos
*Pe site puteti,de asemenea,sa-i trimiteti voi o intrebare Cassandrei si ea va va raspunde,dar aveti grija ce tip de intrebare puneti.Veti gasi aceeasi avertziare si pe site:
Note to readers: Cassandra will answer your questions going forward, but there are restrictions to the way you can ask them.
Send ONE at a time, without comment, through this blog.
Ask your questions exactly as we have presented them above. Questions that don’t follow this format will not be answered. So, help us help you: Play by the rules and EVERY question will be addressed.
Si daca puneti vreo intrebare si ea va raspunde,plz scrieti-ne-o si noua la comentarii,mai jos,dupa cum va aratam...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 09:05 0 comentarii
duminică, 20 decembrie 2009
See Ya In...

Scrie I LOVE YOU,See ya in JULY 2011? 2011? Pe de alta parte nu stiu ce credeti voi dar semnatura nu-mi pare a fi a lui...haideti sa vedem...
1.Se ia poza anterioara
2.Se ia o poza cu autograf
3.Ce iese?

Imaginea cu autograf...

Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:09 0 comentarii
Ne intoarcem la Ultima Poza
Dupa cum zice si titlul,ne intaorcem la ultima poza...am gasit articolul pe http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ si arata cam asa:
Cam Fake nu?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 20:51 0 comentarii
Poza thisisalsoit.com
imaginea 1: "Michael Jackson's THIS IS IT,like you've never seen him before"
A major love....
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 18:04 0 comentarii
Breaking news Thisisalsoit.com Partea a II-a
Astazi,duminica,20 decembrie 2009,ora 14:30 am intrat pe thisisalsoit.com si redirectionarea a fost uimitoare...o pagina de google images(http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&um=1&q=%22In%20what%20will%20go%20down%20in%20HIStory%20as%20the%20greatest%20demonstration%20for%20freedom%20...%20999%22&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi) cu cautarea:"In what will go down in HIStory as the greatest demonstration for freedom ... 999" sa o analizam putin...am intrat pe Google Unelte Lingvistice ca sa cautam traducerea apropiata a frazei si ne-a dat:"În ceea ce va intra in istorie ca cea mai mare demonstraţie pentru libertate ... 999"...mda...aceasta afirmatie demonstreaza faptul ca thisisalsoit.com se leaga de MJ(HIStory-albumul lui,scris cu aceleasi specificitati-HIS).Deci nu va mai exista indoiala ca are legatura cu el.
"...va intra in istorie cea mai mare demonstratie pentru LIBERTATE"? Demonstratie?Libertate? Deci...in traducere libera...in scurt timp MJ ne va demonstra ce inseamna sa fii liber? Ultima chestie e cel mai bun indiciu..."999"...numarul de urgenta...URGENTA...face oare referire la maleficul "doctor" Conrad Murray? Acest "999" schimba afirmatia anterioara? "In scurt timp,MJ ne va demonstra cine este cu adevarat Conrad Murray?"
De ce dupa "Libertate" sunt puse acele puncte de suspensie apoi "999"? Or avea vreo legatura? Sa vedem...
Avem mai multe posibilitati de abordare a legaturii...
1)Inscenarea chemarii ambulantei?
2) De ce Conrad Murray(999) este inca in LIBERTATE?(daca,cum spuneam,prin absurd,MJ e "mort")
Ciudat...Ce urmeaza?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 17:44 0 comentarii
sâmbătă, 19 decembrie 2009
Ce site mai e si asta? Partea a II-a
Azi,sambata 19 decembrie 2009 ora 17:30 am intrat iar pe thisisalsoit.com si m-a directionat pe o pagina de wikipedia cu titlul ''Ark of the Covenant"...am citit atenta cateva lucruri si mi-a sarit in ochi asta: " The city of Jericho was taken with no more than a shout after the Ark of Covenant was paraded for seven days around its wall by seven priests sounding seven trumpets of rams' horns (Josh. 6:4-20). "
Iar saptele asta,mai oameni buni?!
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 17:48 0 comentarii
vineri, 18 decembrie 2009
Breaking News Thisisalsoit.com
Fiti atenti,: am intrat tot astazi,18 Decembrie pe www.thisisalsoit.com,dar la ora 11:30 si nu ma mai redirectiona catre calendar,ci catre un forum http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1634
Ce va mai urma?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 11:44 0 comentarii
Ceva ciudat...partea a II-a
Tot pe http://www.monitorulexpres.ro/?mod=monitorulexpres&p=mozaic&s_id=77564&a=citeste am gasit o pozuca...take a look...Prima este mana adevarata a lui Michael,iar a doua este a "Michael-ului" de la O2 Arena...acum imi veti spune ca si-a facut operatie estetica si la maini ca nu va voi crede...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 11:37 0 comentarii
Senzational partea a II-a
"Michael e în România?
• Cei care cred că Michael n-a murit speră că se ascunde în Mexic, Canada şi Marea Britanie. Un clarvăzător pe nume Derek Clontz susţine că e în Ungaria sau Rusia. Dar ipoteza cea mai fantasmagorică aparţine celui ce îşi spune Father Lingyu Fu din Napoli. El e convins că nu Michael a murit, ci Dimitrie Drăghicescu, un român de 47 de ani care a acceptat să joace acest rol pentru că oricum era bolnav, în stadiu terminal. Scenariul a fost pus la punct din timp, de trei ani Dimitrie îşi făcea operaţii estetice ca să semene cu megastarul. Chiar şi amprentele au fost modificate, de-aia Michael avea mereu vîrfurile degetelor bandajate cu leucoplast. Românul l-a mai înlocuit şi cu alte ocazii, iar familia lui a fost recompensată regeşte pentru sacrificiu. Întrebarea e, dacă Dimitrie a făcut schimb cu Michael, atunci Michael se ascunde în România?"
=))=))=)) Ce tare e faza!=))=)) Ce tare ar fi sa fie adevarat.Sa fim seriosi...acum toti clarvazatorii din toate tarile si toate sosiile lui vor sustine ca ...da se ascunde la NOI in tara,deoarece Cutarica era o sosie de-a lui,care a murit.Hai,frate,nu te supara,e penibil:))
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 11:32 0 comentarii
''Conform unor surse demne de incredere,Michael Jackson nu ar fi murit..si isi pregateste revenirea in ceea ce s-a dorit a fi cea mai mare farsa a tuturor timpurilor.Acum nu se stie care va fi reactia fanilor sai,de bucurie sau de dezamagire pentru ca si-a inscenat moartea.Totul ar fi facut cu acordul celor care i-au organizat concertele!"
Aceasta stire a fost gasita pe http://forum.hotnews.ro/index.php?showtopic=3198 .Mda...ce sa le faci...Oameni buni,in concluzie,vom fi cu sufletul la gura pe 24-25 Decembrie 2009,pe 1 Ianuarie 2010,pe 25 Iunie 2010 sau Iulie 2010.Asa cum noi l-am facut pe MJ sa sufere asa ne face si El noua,ca sa ne invatam minte...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 11:26 0 comentarii
Misterioasa Lisa Marie Presley
Va aduceti aminte cand ati auzit ca MJ i-a spus Lisei Marie ,,Cred ca voi avea o moarte ca a tatalui tau''...hmmm...daca MJ e ''mort''(prin absurd),de unde stia el cum va muri? Se crede ca MJ planuia de mult sa isi insceneze moartea...haideti sa aruncam o privire peste versurile din Billie Jean...
People always told me be careful what you do
Don't go around breaking young girls hearts
And mother always told me be careful who you love
Be careful what you do
Because the LIE becomes the TRUTH.
Va sugereaza ceva?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 10:43 0 comentarii
Ce site mai e si asta? Partea I
Bai fratilor,exista un "site" capcana... http://www.blogger.com/www.thisisalsoit.com ,care in fiecare zi ne conduce catre altceva...de exemplu astazi,18 Decembrie 2009, m-a condus catre un calendar =)),spre surprinderea mea,exista niste zile marcate cu rosu...vi le voi spune si vom treage si concluziile:
-Ianuarie:1 si 19=>1+1=>9-2=7
-Iulie:3/09 ziua 4---3+9+4=16=>1+6=7
*indescifrabil=nu prezinta legatura la MJ*
Va surprinde ceva?...Septembrie...7...dupa cum stim,septembrie este luna in care MJ a fost ''inmormantat''...De curiozitate am intrat pe un forum unde se vorbeste despre acest site misterios si am gasit:
Nov 11, 2009 1:29 am | |||
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 09:56 0 comentarii
Tot pe http://sites.google.com/site/whereismichaeljackson/ am gasit asta:
"- Bucatareasa a spus ca manca foarte sanatos, 3 mese pe zi. Mancase si cu o seara inainte, cu copiii." atunci de ce la autopsie s-au gasit doar pastile si era "atat de slab"? Nu cumva era altcineva pe targa?Nu cumva pastilele respective au fost administrate "post-mortem''?
Detalii pe:http://sites.google.com/site/whereismichaeljackson/autopsia
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 09:37 0 comentarii
Doctorul impostor
Sunteti foarte suparati pe Dr.Conrad Murray,nu-i asa?Dar daca ar veni acum cineva la voi sa va spuna ca ,de fapt,Murray este un...Actor... cum ati reactiona? Nu ne credeti,nu? Atunci uitati-va atent la poza de mai jos... <-----Iar cand dam click pe CONRAD MURRAY...
Mda...deci v-ati convins ca marele ''doctor'' este un actor?:D
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 09:13 0 comentarii
Citisem cu o luna in urma pe www.MJDH.com care,din pacate,nu mai e disponibil (For Sale) ca la prima investigatie a politistilor in casa Jackson nu s-a gasit nici urma de droguri.La a doua investigatie in casa Jackson,hopa ca sar drogurile la iveala.Ma,da' de cand drogurile rasar asa,cand ti-e lumea mai draga,din pamant?Hmmm...pai voi de ce credeti? V-ati gandit ca poate impostorul de Joe le-a pus acolo ca sa se auda stirea ca existau,de fapt, medicamentele alea si ce-o fi zis Joe:"Lasa ca lumea e proasta"...pai Joe ne pare rau sa te dezamagim,dar lumea nu e atat de proasta incat sa te creada.
O alta posibilitate,la prima investigatie nu erau acolo droguri apoi a venit Michael acolo sa mai ia medicamente si le-a lasat din "greseala"acolo? Hmmm...si daca,sa zicem,Michael e mort(prin absurd),cine se drogheaza in familia Jackson? Joe la 80 de ani?:)) Credem,totusi,ca prima posibilitate e cea mai posibila:)).
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 09:05 0 comentarii
Ceva ciudat...
Chiar credeti ca asa-zisul Michael Jackson de la O2 Arena a fost adevarattul MJ?Pai,haideti sa vedem cateva poze.
Michael de la repetitii--->
<-----Michael de la O2 Arena
Deci,fara ochelari Michael ar fi ceva de genul....
NU! Nu cumva adevaratul Michael arata asa....?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 08:48 0 comentarii
joi, 17 decembrie 2009
The Strange Old Man and the...Actors...
Continuam pagina anterioara ''The Strange Old Man'' cu cateva poze,zicem noi,ciudatele...
Cam multe zambete pentru o ceremonie de inmormantare,nu-i asa?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 22:30 0 comentarii
The Strange Old Man
La ceremonia de la Staples Centre,a fost prezent si un om batran,in pozele alaturate,luate,de asemenea,de pe http://sites.google.com/site/whereismichaeljackson/memorialul-durerii-inchipuite
"Inca o ciudatenie de la memorial: in cateva poze apare un mos cu mustata neagra si par alb, slab cam cat MJ, cam tot atat de inalt, cu aceleasi gesturi si statura ca el. Trebuie sa fie interesanta identitatea lui. Cine e batranul asta cu aspect de boschetar caruia i s-a acordat marea onoare de a sta in randul doi, chiar in spatele rudelor, chiar in dreptul sicriului? Care nicio clipa n-a avut bunul simt (sau curajul) sa-si dea jos palaria? Sa fi fost MJ deghizat? Sa privim aceste poze cu ciudatul "apropiat" al raposatului. Pozele mai mici sunt ale lui MJ deghizat (ii placea la nebunie sa faca asta si sa joace farse).
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 22:16 0 comentarii
Aminirile rudelor...
Navigam pe internet,cand am dat peste cateva amintiri de la rudele lui Mike.Pentru cei care inca nu stiau,la Staples Centre fiecare a scris amintiri catre Michael intr-o carte cu poze.Priviti ce a scris Rebbie fratelui sau:
''I love you so much and I'm looking forward for the time when I'll see you again on Earth.I know this is something you not only cherished but talked about with others.Then the world will be a paradise,a place free from corruption and poverty.Then the world will be a place of true peace and serenity.This is what we were all looking to,then I'll see you again.Sleep in peace,because as the bible says,you're just asleep,and I look forward to life without end at last.-Your sister Rebbie-''
Mda...aceasta e Rebbie...avem si poza...so explore it...
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:45 0 comentarii
Jurnalul lui Michael Jackson?
- In notele lui din jurnal, pe 17 noiembrie 2008, MJ scria (pastrand ortografia):
“There’s too much pressure, pressure, pressure … pressure everywhere I turn …”
“I don’t know who I am, not anmore. Maybe I’m just a father to my children. Maybe I’m washed up."
“The drugs are (illegible) a toll … (illegible) … I’m not addict. But I can’t stop …"
“If Elvis … (illegible) … so can I."
“I’ll have a ‘heart attack’ from drugs like he did (yeah, right!)"
“I’ll come back, but only when I’m ready. Bigger than Elvis in ‘69."
“Maybe 2009 at Christmas. Or maybe the New Year is better."
“A back-from-dead tour, a real Thriller. But I have to rest. I’m tired. I’m not (thinking) clearly."
“It’s the drugs."
“A lot of fans still love me. (Some) people hate me. Thing (sp) will be different (after this) …”
Hmmm...voi ce ziceti?
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:18 0 comentarii
Ultima Poza
Conform setarilor aparatului, un Nikkon bengos (si totusi, nu prea bengos, avand in vedere ca in 2007 facea deja poze-vezi EXIF-ul complet), poza a fost luata la 12,08. Apelul la 911 a fost facut la 12,21, paramedicii au sosit la 12,26. O sa ziceti ca si ce daca, asta nu dovedeste nimic. Daca aparatul era aiurea setat, putea sa arate si miezul noptii. Haida de! Aparatul unui paparazzo cu setarile varza? In conditiile in care data, minutul si ora pot fi dovezi salvatoare in instanta? Si cum paparazzi au parte de procese cata frunza si iarba, e vreunul atat de prost incat sa-si lase aparatul nesetat cu reperele temporare reale? Cam rar. Atunci, poza asta a fost facuta inainte de apelul de urgenta? Inainte ca paparazzo-ul nostru sa vina la fata locului? Inainte sa stie oricine din lumea asta ca MJ nu respira?''
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 21:10 0 comentarii
Dovada ca sa credem 100% ca MJ e viu

Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 18:21 0 comentarii