sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010

Intrebarea nr 11. fan-cassandra

11.Fan:Are you Michael Jackson?
Cassandra:Yalisa, I am Cassandra. Michael is my friend.

Hmmm:))...foarte tare intrebarea.Imi place mult.Mai,domnisorica asta Cassandra,sau asta e cumva pseudonimul...poate e chiar Michael...Michael ,de obicei,era/ESTE ce i-ar fi zis ei toate astea?/:)...Sau hai sa credem...bine...esti Cassandra,dar hai sa privim un alt raspuns de-al ei...

6. Are there 33 clues in his This Is It movie that explain why he faked his death and went into hiding? Cassandra says: “Michael says ‘yes’. Fans have already found many of the clues, and I’m just another fan. Michael won’t even give me hints! But he does say, ‘If you look you will find them.’”

DECI...esti DOAR un alt fan...ce cauta acel DOAR?... Michael won’t even give me hints!...Pentru ca e un om destept,nu de alta.Daca nu-ti zice de This is It,de ce ti-ar zice de problemele lui personale,familie etc.?Nu te inteleg,Cassy...

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