sâmbătă, 2 ianuarie 2010

Intrebarea nr 13. fan-cassandra

13.Fan:Dear Cassandra,
The most important question for me right now is, How is Michael feeling and is there anything we can do for him?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and lots of love


Cassandra:Tracy, Michael is feeling much better, with drug withdrawals no longer tormenting him and he also is gaining strength every day. His attitude is good. He told me, "I'm happier than I've been in many years." All looks good for his comeback!

Nu prea avem ce comenta la aceasta intrebare...e doar grija unui simplu vedem raspunsul misteroasei domnisorici Cassandra..." Michael is feeling much better" asta e ceva bine..."with drug withdrawals no longer tormenting him"...asta e si mai bine..."and he also is gaining strength every day"... perfect! "His attitude is good." GOOD...GOOD! ce e acest GOOD?adica...e Ok...attitude e atitudine nu? deci se comporta comporta oare URAT pana acum?/:)...continuam..."He told me, "I'm happier than I've been in many years." All looks good for his comeback!"...mda...pare OK...asteptam "comback-ul"...

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