duminică, 3 ianuarie 2010

Intrebarea nr.16 fan-cassandra

16.Fan:Will Michael make any changes to himself when he comes out of hiding.
Cassandra:Brandon, he will be stronger and healthier. His appearance will remain the same, altho drugh he has told me that he does intend to have some work done on his nose, which as everyone knows, has given him some problems over the years.

Si,deci,Cassandra,cum va arata Michael,pana la urma?!Ca la cat minte lumea,sau speculeaza,ce sa mai credem?! "he will be stronger and healthier" rog..."His appearance will remain the same"...da asta ma refeream...pentru ca deja nu mai credem faza cu O2 Arena.Cine mai crede ca pe scena e Michael si nu dupa acea cortina...(vezi pagina "Criss Angel")...dupa care se zice ca ar fi...Nu prea avem ce comenta pe aceasta tema...dupa cum ziceam...intrebari BANALE!

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