Sa discutam un pic despre Criss Angel...cine e Criss Angel?Ei,hai,magicianul ala nebun pe care l-a pus Michael sa vina la concertul lui de la O2 Arena...bun...unul dintre spectacolele de magie ale acestui Angel se numeste BELIEVE(Cirque Du Soleil)...franceza asta imi da mereu batai de cap:)) vedem o poza si niste observatii,pt ca fara ele nu se poate...;) analizam putin de sus in jos... se par cunoscuti?Sa va reamintesc... Acum va sunt cunoscuti?
2.LIE....Lie=Minciuna....spectacolul se numeste beLIEve...Believe=a crede....Lie=minciuna...
Crede Minciuna?...
3.Palariile cu aripi...stiu,pare banal,cum imi place mie sa zic...dar nu e par si alea cunoscute? Intr-adevar,Charlie Chaplin purta palarii de genul asta...iar lui MJ ii placea
4.Picioarele imbracate in pantalonii negri care se ascund dupa cortina...cunoscute si astea? HMMM... Exact...impostorul....:)) continuam...
5.Iepurasul...ce ne transmite acea fiinta dragalasa? Sa nu spunem nimic...(din ce)?Sau mai bine zis DESPRE CE?... Priviti iepurasul...acum e cunoscut?
6.Umbra...a cui? Aha...Peter Pan,din nou...
Mai e ceva?Nu? Sigur nu e si aici al 7-lea obiect? Nu v-ati dat seama?Priviti...
7.CORTINA...nici asta nu e familiara?Chiar asta?
Acum va e si asta cunoscuta? Acelasi gol negru pe ea....
Trecem de la Criss Angel la Orianthi...chitarista aceea prezenta peste tot:)) ea a lansat un album numit "Believe" vedem tracklist-ul...
Orianthi Believe Track-List
1. “According to You”
2. “Suffocated”
3. “Bad News”
4. “Believe”
5. “Feels Like Home”
6. “Think Like a Man”
7. “What’s It Gonna Be”
8. “Untogether”
9. “Drive Away”
10. “Highly Strung”
11. “God Only Knows”
12. “Find It”
13. “Don’t Tell Me That It’s Over”
Am ingrosat acele titluri care au legatura cu ceea ce cautam facem o ordine...
Suffocated->Bad News->Believe->Think Like A Man->What is gonna be->Untogether->Find it sa facem o legatura...
Remarcati? Voi selecta cateva versuri din fiecare melodie care ne intereseaza...
In the beginning it was worth this
Do the worst, feel complete
Why am I still suffocating
Constantly devastated just to stay alive
Why am I still suffocating
Constantly devastated just to stay alive
Without a break from this distraction
I need a change, a different scene
A new approach to coming clean
Still searching for a back door out of here
Reassured that old friends will reappear
Why am I still suffocating
Just hold your breathe deep and I'll keep waiting
Sa comentam...La inceput,Michael se simtea extenuat,fara scapare...............Se sufoca doar ca sa ramana in viata....A "murit"...da fapt e o inscenare,o distractie fara pauza...vrea o schimbare,o scena diferita,vrea sa se intoarca...Cauta mereu o usa prin care sa se intaorca inapoi,stiind ca fanii(old friends...) vor fi,chiar si asa,aproape de el,ca de obicei...strange...
Sa continuam cu BAD NEWS
Gimme the bad news
Yea, tell it to me straight
I can take it
I'll start on the countdown
I've got about a minute left for you
Someday, I'm gonna laugh it off until I cry
Someway, I'm going to get on with my life
So gimme the bad news baby
Now don't make me wait
I wanna know that I'm your biggest mistake
Gimme the bad news baby
Now don't turn away
I know the truth no matter what you say
Gimme the bad news, the bad news today
So tell me how it feels when you fake it
You nearly ought to hang around
And even if there's nothing left to do
Yea, go on
Let me see you act like the king of truth
Yea, be strong
I'm gonna leave it up to you
So gimme the bad news baby
Now don't make me wait
I wanna know that I'm your biggest mistake
Gimme the bad news baby
Now don't turn away
I know the truth no matter what you say
Gimme the bad news, the bad news today
Tell it to me loud
That you can't take it
Yea, scream it out loud
We're going down
I wanna stay and shout
Now gimme something to do
So gimme the bad news baby
So gimme the bad news baby
Now don't make me wait
I wanna know that I'm your biggest mistake
Gimme the bad news baby
Now don't turn away
I know the truth no matter what you say
Gimme the bad news, the bad news today
Gimme the bad news today
So gimme the bad news
Yea, tell it to me straight
Gimme the bad news vad nicio legatura,in afara de spune totul...Stirea s-a dat...e "mort"...
You made it so easy to fall
I had no fear at all
I saw you beside me
You never saw me there at all
I promised you all this
I made plans thinking this was it *this IS it
I never imagined I'd find you and lose myself instead
I just never pictured it would end
I picked up the pieces
And put them back where they belonged
But something's missing
But a part of me will carry on
But I'm gonna learn to trust again
Foarte interesante versurile...In final...Michael a facut foarte usor ceea ce a facut(inscenarea mortii) si tipei asteia nu i-a fost frica pentru ca stia despre ce e vorba(?),il vedea langa ea(???!!!)..........Orianthi si-a facut planuri,crezand ca ASTA ERA TOT(!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!) si a inceput si ea sa creada ca,de fapt,e mort,dar la un moment dat l-a intalnit si nu-i venea sa putea crede ca se va sfarsi asa.Michael s-a intors acolo de unde apartinea,dar ceva lipsea.O parte din fata va purta aceasta greutate si va invata din nou sa creada(?)...fara sens-__-
God Only Knows
I feel so alone, can't seem to find my out of this lone?
No, it don't seem right
I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.
In this this silent space, I close my eyes I can hear you say
That it's alright, but my world's such an empty place tonight.
Cause I know that, it's all part of life.
As the time goes by, it gets a little easier to smile.
I know I'll never forget everything that you said.
You said it's alright, it's all part of life.
Mda...E ceea ce am scris anterior...putin modificat...
Primul weekend dupa jilava a sosit si voi continua analiza versurilor ^_^...hai sa ramas la...
FIND IT...(maybe the best)
Hmmm...ce ciudat,dupa o ora de cautari,nu am gasit versurile melodiei...asta poate fi foarte ciudat! Vor fi oare publicate dupa aparitia lui MJ? Atunci hai sa vedem titlul...FIND IT...mda...dupa cum stim to find=a gasi,deci Michael va fi GASIT? Nu va aparea el...:-?
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