14.Fan:Why Michael’s family sometimes gives interview that makes us so sad and so sure he died? It hurts us deeply. Michael can not ask them to stop? LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- Joe Jackson saw his son’s “This Is It” for the first time at a premiere event at The Palms in Las Vegas on Tuesday night and the Jackson family patriarch said he enjoyed the film. “The performance – it’s great because it’s Michael performing,” Joe said. “He’s always going to give a good show.” Joe,chiar ai uitat ce ai spus? Cumva ca sunt dubluri?Acum nu mai sunt?S-a modificat filmul peste noapte ca sa te multumeasca pe tine?
Cassandra:Marcia, your concern is noted. But, as we have made clear, Michael will not address questions about his family in a public venue.
Familia...:))...e ciudat ca Marcia tot insista pe familie,atata timp cat Cassandra spune:
3. Does MJ’s family know he faked his death? Cassandra says: “Michael does not want to discuss his family in public. But all fans know he is a wonderful son and a wonderful father – he would never do anything to hurt his family. If you think about that, the answer to this question will be clear to you.
Sa punem cap la cap ce spun membri familiei:
Mda...vechea poveste...va mai amintiti ce v-am publicat despre Joe? Sa va reamintesc...
Joe:MICHAEL JACKSON's dad JOE has accused THIS IS IT filmmakers of "fooling" theatregoers by using body doubles to make the King of Pop's tour documentary.
si completez...
duminică, 3 ianuarie 2010
Intrebarea nr.14 fan-cassandra
Publicat de Bianca and Diana Jackson la 15:11
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