vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010

Lista pieselor cantate la memorial

Dupa cum spune si titlul,sa vedem o lista a pieselor cantate la memorialul de la Staples Centre...

  • I’ll Be There
  • Jesus Is Love
  • I Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer
  • Will U Be There
  • Human Nature
  • Smile
  • Gone Too Soon
  • Heal the World
  • We Are the World
  • Who’s Loving You
  • (Soon and Very Soon)We Are Going To See The King
  • They Won’t Go When I Go

Si sa vedem ce vor ele de la viata noastra...

I'll be there: Nu cred ca versurile ar putea avea un mesaj de la MJ pt ca,sa tinem totusi cont de faptul ca melodia e de cand era el mic.^_^ Sa privim titlul,atunci. "I'll be there"...daca versurile nu transmit un mesaj,poate titlul ne poate spune TOTUL si anume ca MJ va fi acolo.Intrebarea este.....UNDE?!=))

Jesus is Love: Hmmm...chiar nu stiu ce sa zic.Titlul spune ca "Iisus e iubire"...adica daca noi credem in Iisus inseamna ca stim sa iubim,sau ceva de genul asta?Nu stiu,asta a fost bagata mai mult de deruta,adica,va puteti imagina un memorial numai cu melodii gen:I'll be there,Heaven can wait,An angel came to me etc:))...cel putin eu nu...dar pentru MJ este posibil tot,dar tot nu cred ca se fi prea batator la ochi.
Vorbind de titlu,hai sa vedem un vers.... "And I know the Truth and His words will be our salvation"
Deci adevarul va fi salvarea noastra...;)) am,ma rog,acest adevar cand va aparea,mai oameni buni?! Toata lumea vorbeste de ADEVAR si....nimic?!

I never dreamed you'd leave in summer: Nu stiu ce credeti voi,dar pe mine ma lasa masca titlul asta.:)) vreau si eu sa stiu cine a compus versurile...ia sa vedem.... see wikipedia:
"Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer" is a 1971 song by Stevie Wonder. It comes from his album Where I'm Coming From. The song is a ballad, describing a failed relationship using the metaphor of changing seasons.

Asta inseamna cand Michael avea....13 ani?!:| Chiar e o coincidenta?! Doamne Iarta-ma!Deci e scrisa de Stevie o luam ca atare si totusi mi-e foarte greu sa cred ca in 1971 a fost scrisa si se potriveste ataaaat de bine!!!!

Will You be there:
Mda...ce sa zic si la asta...asta exprima intrebarea noastra pe care i-o adresam lui Michael in fiecare zi,ora,minut,secunda "vei fi acolo?" dar devine din ce in ce mai retorica intrebarea./:)

Human Nature:Daaa...acea melodie melodia asta ori vrea sa ne zica ca a muri este omenesc ori sa ne dam noi seama ca Human Nature e una dintre piesele controversate cantate la THIS IS IT. Asta am discutat si in pagina "Dupa 25" de acest Human Nature...e cumva o (re)amintire?;)) si aici cateva versuri:

"See that girl
She knows Im watching
She likes the way I stare"

Oare despre ce fata e vorba?:))Brooke Shields?;)) Hmmm...

Smile:Pai,eu cred ca melodia asta era imposibil sa nu fie cantata,melodia preferata a lui;))

Gone too soon: Alta melodie de deruta..."Te-ai dus prea devreme" ,ete na:)),imi permit sa corectez si sa spun NU acestei melodii:))

Heal the World: Daca stam bine sa ne gandim,ar putea avea un sens aici..."El a disparut si noi(oamenii) suntem raniti si il indemnam sa vindece lumea" wow:)) Poate chiar asa va fi (100%):))

We are the world: Se putea sa lipseasca melodia asta? Nu!

Who's loving you:WE ARE LOVING YOU!=)) Tot o intrebare adresata lui Michael "Oare stii cine te iubeste?"=)) Iar raspunde...

(Soon and Very Soon)We are going to see the king: Da! Asa va vreau! Iubesc titlul asta..."Urmeaza sa-l vedem pe rege!" si noi abia asteptam...

Soon and very soon we are going to see the King Soon and very soon we are going to see the King Soon and very soon we are going to see the King Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're going to see the King

I said, soon and very soon we are going to see the King
That's right, soon and very soon we are going to see the King
I said, soon and very soon we are going to see the King
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're going to see the King

Yeah, yeah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're going to see the King

Oh, listen now, no more cryin' there, we are going to see the King
Did you hear me now? No more cryin' there we are going to see the King
Yeah, no more cryin' there, we are going to see the King
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're going to see the King

Oh, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, we're going to see the King
We're going to see the King
Going to see the King

Ce versuri,nu?Deci,nu va mai plange lumea pentru ca foarte curand il vom vedea pe rege:X:X:X

They Won’t Go When I Go: Ei nu vor pleca cand eu voi pleca=))=))=))

No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when I go

All those bleeding hearts With sorrows to impart
Were right here from the start
And they won't go when I go

And I'll go where I've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Gone from painful cries
Away from saddened eyes
Along with him I'll bide
Because they won't go when I go

Big men feeling small
Weak ones standing tall
I will watch them fall
They won't go when I go

And I'll go where I've longed
To go so long
Away from tears

Unclean minds mislead the pure
The innocent will leave for sure
For them there is a resting place
People sinning just for fun
They will never see the sun
For they can never show their faces
There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner
Who will take more than he will give
He ain't hardly gonna give

The greed of man will be
Far away from me
And my soul will be free
They won't go when I go

Since my soul conceived
All that I believe
The kingdom I will see
'Cause they won't go when I go

When I go
Where I'll go
No one can keep me
From my destiny.

Nu-mi plac versurile:)) ma va fac sa credeti ca el chiar a murit sau daca nu a murit ca nu se va mai intoarce niciodata...e acolo intr-un loc sigur fara prieteni falsi,fara lacrimi....:|

Ei, atat cu melodiile,sper ca v-ati facut o impresie despre ce s-a cantat la acest memorial:))

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